On an early morning in the fall of 2018, an industrial property in Gnesta, south of Stockholm, burned to the ground. Länsförsäkringar Stockholm and Länsförsäkringar Södermanland were the insurers for the operator and the property owner, respectively.

The insures, which both are part of the Länsförsäkringar Group, filed lawsuits against Avarn Security AB requesting that court ordered Avarn Security to pay SEK 15.8 million in damages. As the basis for the claims, the insurers argued that Avarn, which had a surveillance agreement with the operator at the site, and its security guards had acted with negligence in responding to the alarm from the property’s security systems.

The two cases have now been tried by the Stockholm District Court. The court rejected all claims against Avarn in a ruling on November 16. The Court held that Länsförsäkringar had not proven negligence on part of Avarn or its staff or that Avarn otherwise had acted in violation of its contractual obligations.

Mårten Lundmark and Ann Nilsson
represented Avarn in the Case before the District Court.

More information regarding the case is available here: https://sakochliv.se/2023/11/20/lf-forlorade-mot-vaktbolag-tvist-om-158-miljoner-kronor-efter-brand/ and After a fire – Länsförsäkringar loses damages case against Avarn – Dagens Juridik